10 Sentences Using Correct Subject Verb Agreement

Subject-verb agreement is a fundamental aspect of English grammar. This agreement ensures that the subject and verb in a sentence are in harmony, both in terms of number and gender. Using proper subject-verb agreement can help you communicate more effectively, and it can improve the readability of your writing. Below are ten sentences that demonstrate correct subject-verb agreement.

1. The cat is sleeping on the couch.

In this sentence, the singular subject « cat » is matched with the singular verb « is. »

2. The dogs are barking loudly.

Here, the plural subject « dogs » is paired with the plural verb « are. »

3. My sister and I are going to the beach.

The compound subject « my sister and I » takes the plural verb « are. »

4. The news is often depressing.

The singular noun « news » is paired with the singular verb « is. »

5. Each of the students has a different opinion.

The singular pronoun « each » requires the singular verb « has. »

6. Neither the teacher nor the students want to take a test today.

In this sentence, the verb « want » agrees with the closest subject, « students, » which is plural.

7. My favorite sport is basketball.

The singular subject « sport » is matched with the singular verb « is. »

8. The committee is meeting tomorrow.

The collective noun « committee » is singular and requires the singular verb « is. »

9. The amount of time it takes to complete this task varies.

In this sentence, the singular noun « amount » takes the singular verb « varies. »

10. Everyone is welcome to join the club.

The indefinite pronoun « everyone » is singular and takes the singular verb « is. »

In conclusion, subject-verb agreement is essential for effective communication. These ten sentences demonstrate proper agreement between subjects and verbs, both in singular and plural form. Observing this grammar rule will improve the clarity of your writing and help you avoid common errors.

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