Subject Verb Agreement for Two Subjects

Subject-verb agreement is a fundamental rule of grammar that can sometimes be tricky to master. It is essential to know how to identify singular and plural subjects and match them with the appropriate verb. When it comes to two subjects, things can get a bit more complicated. In this article, we will discuss how to achieve subject-verb agreement for two subjects.

Firstly, it is essential to understand the concept of subject-verb agreement. This is the principle that dictates that the form of the verb should agree with the number and person of the subject. In other words, if the subject is plural, the verb should be plural, and if it is singular, the verb should be singular.

When dealing with two subjects, the rule becomes even more critical. The two subjects can be either connected by the conjunctions « and » or « or. » For example, in the sentence « John and Mary are going to the movies, » « John » and « Mary » are two subjects connected by the conjunction « and » and should, therefore, take a plural verb, « are. »

On the other hand, when two singular subjects are connected by the conjunction « or, » the verb should agree with the subject closest to the verb. For example, in the sentence « Either John or Mary is going to the movies, » « Mary » is the singular subject closest to the verb « is, » and, therefore, the verb should be in the singular form.

When dealing with one singular and one plural subject connected by « or, » the verb should agree with the subject closest to the verb. For example, in the sentence « Either John or his sisters are going to the movies, » « sisters » is plural and closest to the verb « are, » and, therefore, the verb should be in the plural form.

It is worth noting that some phrases can sound correct, but they are not grammatically correct. For example, « John and I is going to the movies » might sound right, but it is grammatically incorrect. « I » is a singular pronoun, and when combined with « John, » it becomes two subjects that require a plural verb. The correct sentence should read, « John and I are going to the movies. »

In conclusion, subject-verb agreement is an essential aspect of grammar that cannot be ignored. When it comes to two subjects, it is crucial to know the correct way to match them with the appropriate verb. Whether the two subjects are connected by « and » or « or, » the verb should always agree with the number and person of the subject. By following the rules of subject-verb agreement, you can avoid common grammar mistakes and improve your writing skills.

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