Basic House Selling Contract

If you`re planning on selling your house soon, you`ll likely need a basic house selling contract to ensure that both you and the buyer are protected throughout the transaction. Here`s what you need to know about this essential document.

What is a house selling contract?

A house selling contract is a legal document that outlines the terms and conditions of the sale of a residential property. Its purpose is to protect both the seller and the buyer by clearly stating their respective rights and responsibilities.

What should a basic house selling contract include?

A basic house selling contract should include the following:

1. The names and addresses of both the seller and the buyer

2. The price that the buyer will pay for the house

3. The amount of the deposit that the buyer will provide

4. The closing date of the sale

5. Any contingencies, such as the buyer`s ability to obtain financing or the sale of their current home

6. Any warranties or representations made by the seller

7. Any disclosures that the seller is required by law to make

8. Any specific conditions that must be met before the sale can be completed

9. The signatures of both the seller and the buyer.

It should be noted that this is not an exhaustive list, and a lawyer or real estate agent may recommend additional clauses or language depending on the specific circumstances of the sale.

Why is a house selling contract important?

A house selling contract is important because it protects both the seller and the buyer from misunderstandings or disputes during and after the sale. Without a contract, either party could be left vulnerable to financial losses or other legal issues.

Some common issues that can arise without a contract include:

1. Disagreements over the sale price or closing date

2. Failure of the buyer to secure financing

3. Issues with the condition of the property

4. Disputes over repairs or other contingencies

5. Misrepresentations or omissions by the seller.

A well-crafted house selling contract can help prevent these issues and protect both parties from legal and financial consequences.


If you`re planning on selling your house, a basic house selling contract is essential. It`s a legal document that outlines the terms and conditions of the sale and protects both the seller and the buyer from misunderstandings or disputes. Be sure to work with a real estate agent or lawyer to ensure that your contract is comprehensive and tailored to your specific circumstances.

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