Exercises on Pronoun Reference Agreement

As a copy editor, one important aspect to master is the use of pronoun reference agreement. Pronouns are words that substitute or refer to nouns and they can make writing more concise and clear. However, using them correctly can be tricky, which is why it`s essential to practice exercises on pronoun reference agreement.

Here are some exercises you can do to improve your skills:

1. Identify the Antecedent

The antecedent is the noun that the pronoun refers to, so the first step is to identify it. For instance, in the sentence « John called his friend, but he didn`t answer, » the antecedent is « John » and the pronoun is « he. » Review sentences and try to identify the antecedent of each pronoun.

2. Check the Agreement

Once you have identified the antecedent, make sure that the pronoun agrees with it in number and gender. For example, in the sentence « My sister loves her cat, but they don`t get along sometimes, » « her » refers to « sister, » which is singular and feminine, while « they » refers to « sister » and « cat, » which are plural. This sentence should be revised for agreement.

3. Rewrite the Sentence

Practice rewriting sentences to correct any errors in pronoun reference agreement. For instance, in the sentence « The doctor prescribed some medicine, but they didn`t work, » « they » could refer to either « doctor » or « medicine. » A better way to phrase this sentence would be « The doctor prescribed some medicine, but it didn`t work. »

4. Create Your Own Sentences

Finally, create your own sentences, and ask someone else to read them to see if they can identify any errors in pronoun reference agreement. This exercise will allow you to put your knowledge into practice and develop a keen eye for pronoun reference agreement.

In conclusion, mastering pronoun reference agreement is essential to producing high-quality writing. By following these exercises, you can improve your skills and become more confident in your ability to edit and write clear, persuasive content. Remember to always identify the antecedent, check the agreement, rewrite the sentence, and create your own sentences. Happy editing!

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